Gift certificates make great gifts for everyone: teachers, neighbors, coaches, friends, and family! Give someone the gift of shopping, dining, or a spa treatment.

Use Your Downtown Wheaton Gift Certificate
at any of these shops, salons and restaurants!
302 Wheaton | 302wheaton.com | 630-480-0198
A Baby Naturally | ababynaturally.com | 331-222-9588
Adelle’s Modern Kitchen + Bar | adelles.com | 630-784-8015
AlphaGraphics Wheaton | us260.alphagraphics.com | 630-653-2442
Altiro Latin Fusion | altirolatinfusion.com | 630-480-0397
Amante Marketplace | amantemarketplace.com | 630-779-9714
Baby Doll Bakery | babydollbakerygf.com | 630-346-1055
Best Way Rug & Furniture Cleaners | bestwayrugcleaners.com | 630-668-7940
Billy Bricks Wood Fired Pizza | brickswoodfiredpizza.com | 630-784-4620
C'zar Salon and Spa | czarspa.com | 630-580-9925
Carlson Glass & Mirror | carlsonsonline.com | 630-668-7234
Chaos to Memories | chaostomemories.com | 630-665-1432
County Farm Bagels | countyfarmbagels.com | 331-716-7187
Ditka's Grill | ditkasgrill.com | 630-570-2089
DoodleBug Workshop | doodlebugworkshop.com | 630-995-1328
DuPage County Historical Museum | dupagemuseum.org | 630-510-4941
Edible | ediblearrangements.com | 630-462-1111
Egg Harbor Café | eggharborcafe.com | 630-221-0206
Egg’lectic Café | egglecticcafe.com | 630-690-9001
Extract Juicery Organic Cafe | extractjuicery.com | 630-868-3487
Five & Hoek Coffee Co. | fiveandhoek.com | 630-481-7611
Frocks and Frills Vintage | frocksandfrillsvintage.com | 630-221-9400
Fuji Ramen & Sushi | 618-777-3854
GIA MIA | giamiapizzabar.com | 630-480-2480
Gino’s East of Chicago | ginoseast.com | 630-588-1010
Graham’s Fine Chocolates & Ice Cream | grahamschocolate.com | 630-221-1199
Hale Street Cantina | halestreetcantina.com | 331-716-7141
Images Med Spa | imagesmedspa.com | 630-987-4139
Ivy Restaurant | ivyofwheaton.com | 630-665-2489
Jeans & A Cute Top Shop | jeansandacutetopshop.com | 630-690-5287
Jerry Evans School of Music | jeschoolofmusic.com | 630-359-7725
Kimmer’s Ice Cream | kimmersicecream.com | 630-765-7704
London Skye | londonskye.com | 773-412-0781
LORI MESA Antiques & Fine Jewelry | lorimesa.com | 331-218-4164
Luong-Loi Restaurant | luongloi.com | 630-653-8250
M&Co. Salon | mandcosalon.com | 630-260-0300
Marquiz Salon & Spa | marquizsalon.net | 630-653-5256
Midwest Cyclery | midwestcyclery.com | 630-668-2424
Mile Long Records | milelongrecords.com | 630-474-4954
Mind Body Balance Clinic | mindbodybalanceclinic.com | 331-201-2863
MION Artisan Soap Co | mionartisansoap.com | 630-580-9322
Miroballi Shoes | miroballishoes.com | 630-690-6880
MOORE Toys & Gadgets | mooretoys.com | 630-480-4285
Moveable Feast + Co | moveablefeastandco.com | 630-868-3777
Naperville Running Company | runningcompany.com | 630-668-7867
NEXT yoga | next-yoga.com | 630-580-9222
Noah’s Animal Hospital at Wheaton | animalhospitalwheaton.com | 630-665-8700
Noteable Notes Music Academy | noteablenotes.org | 630-456-1804
Proof no. 5 | proofnumberfive.com | 331-808-5150
Qcurrys Indian Kitchen | qcurrys.com | 630-517-8282
Shane’s Deli | shanesdeli.com | 630-765-7110
Sheridan’s Barber Shop | sheridansbarbershop.com | 630-668-0137
Sogno | sognowheaton.com | 630-682-5900
STITCH SWITCH Men's Consignment | stitch-switch.com | 630-868-3370
Stones Jewelry | stonesjewelry.com | 630-668-0163
Studio 209 Salon & Spa | studio209spa.com | 630-752-0380
Suburban Music | suburbanmusicwheaton.com | 630-682-4291
Subway | subway.com | 630-765-7242
Suzette’s Creperie | suzettescreperie.com | 630-462-0898
Sweetchilango | sweetchilango.com | 630-580-8271
Tasting deVine | tastingdevinewheaton.com | 630-752-9463
The Babe Bodega | babebodega.com | 630-277-9627
The Burger Social | theburgersocial.com | 630-480-0458
The Cottage | thecottagegeneva.com | 847-409-5834
The Little Popcorn Store | littlepopcornstore.com | 630-690-7712
The Loft Wheaton | theloftwheaton.com | 331-222-9588
The Protein Spot | wheatonproteinspot.com | 630-480-0011
Vintage Charm | shopvintagecharm.com | 630-600-5320
Wheaton Meat Company | wheatonmeat.com | 630-668-0555
Wheaton Memorials | troost.com | 630-653-0066
Wheaton Orthodontic Center | wheatonorthocenter.com | 630-668-0197
Wheaton Religious Gifts & Church Supply | churchsupplywarehouse.com | 630-384-1384
Whim Studio Space | whimstudiospace.com | 630-790-8200
Wildflower Mercantile | shopwildflowermercantile.com | 630-447-9554
Zazú Salon & Day Spa | zazusalons.com | 630-221-8300